Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Sales Training

Sales Training

Q You are the Manager of Sales Training for AFLAC. Every year your firm hires a large number of entry-level sales personnel, fresh off of college campuses. These new hires come with a variety of backgrounds, have a variety of different degrees, and have very little in common with one another in terms of demographic characteristics. They are all very enthusiastic, have a grade point above a 3.2, and were all active in at least three organizations on campus. How would you go about designing an initial orientation and training session for them? What components should be in this training program? What criteria would you use to judge how successful your training program is a year later?

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The initial orientation program plays an important role for the new employees in the organization as through this, the new hire can understand the work and job design of the particular organization. For the new hire employee, the orientation program should involve welcome message, compensation benefits discussion, several paperwork, safety and security and training program for knowledge and skill. In the orientation and training session, the employees will be introduced with each other and the job descriptions have been provided to them in a detailed manner. The training manger will be providing a company handbook of AFLAC for discussing the company policies, mission and vision.